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Deferred Entry – Midwest

Deferring a Place on a First Year Programme

An applicant who receives an offer of a place, and who wishes to​ defer taking it for one year, must seek the agreement of the appropriate Institute. Such agreement is not guaranteed and is totally at the discretion of the Institute. This deferral is conditional on the programme continuing in subsequent years, as programmes can be discontinued from time to time, without prior notice. Once granted, a Deferral is valid for one year only, and only for the course deferred. If, for any reason, that course should be discontinued, the applicant will not, automatically, be entitled to a place on any other course.

Deferral Procedure for Year 1

On receipt of an Offer From CAO:

  1. Email the TUS Admissions Office immediately at, setting out the reasons for your deferral. (All communications about deferral must go to the Admission Offices and NOT to the CAO.)
  2. The E-mail must arrive in the Admissions Office of the Institute at least two days before the “Reply Date” shown on the Offer Notice.
  3. The Institute will communicate in writing the decision to the applicant.
  4. In order to take up the deferred place, the applicant must re-apply through the CAO in the succeeding year by February 1st, placing the deferred programme as the only preference on the application form and also write to the Institute and advise that they will be taking up the place.

When re-applying to the CAO the deferred applicant must complete the application fully.

Include again any documentation that you included with the original application.  Attach a copy of the “Confirmation of Deferral” letter you received from TUS. Write “Deferred Applicant” and your CAO number from the previous year on page 4 of the CAO form. 

Deferring a place on Years 2, 3 or 4

A learner, who wishes to defer their place on non-First Year programmes, must seek the approval of the Institute. Such approval is not guaranteed and is totally at the discretion of the Institute. Such a deferral is conditional on the programme continuing in subsequent years, as programmes can be discontinued or altered from time to time, without prior notice.

Deferral Procedure for Years 2, 3 or 4

On receipt of end of year Examinations Results, or an offer of a place in the case of progression programmes, a learner must:

  1. Email the TUS Admissions Office immediately at, setting out the reasons for your request.
  2. Your request is forwarded to the appropriate Head of School/Faculty or Department for consideration.
  3. You will be notified of this decision in writing by the Admissions Office.
  4. If granted a deferral, you will be required to contact the Admissions Office in writing/email on or before 1st March of the succeeding year, confirming your continued interest in taking up your place the following September.
  5. Failure to confirm your continued interest will result in the cancellation of your place on your chosen programme of study.