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Status: Closed
Campus: Moylish, Limerick City
Fees: €6,925 (See fees for more information)
The aim of this programme is to provide a progression route in the area of Manufacturing Technology, for qualified advanced craft-persons and national/higher certificate holders with qualifications at, or equivalent, to level 6 on the NQAI framework. The Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Technology seeks to provide a programme that is learner-centred in terms of flexibility of quantity, duration, timing and pace of study.
Skillnet funding may be available to part-fund successful applicants on the course. Please email Sue in Next Level Skillnet to find out more information:
A candidate should have relevant experience in a technical role in the electrical services or industrial sector. A candidate must also meet the following minimum entry requirements.
1. Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Craft in Manufacturing (or equivalent trade)
2. National or Higher Certificate in Engineering or Technology with specialisation in Electrical, Electronic, Electromechanical or Industrial Engineering, or equivalent, at Pass level. (HETAC/FETAC Level 6 Qualification).
3. Prior experiential learning and/or experience deemed to meet the criteria for an award at level 6 as set out in the NQAI Framework.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE: Applicants who do not have English as their first language must ensure they satisfy English Language requirements. For entry to undergraduate courses, a minimum score of 5.5 in an IELTS exam is required. For postgraduate courses, a minimum of 6.0 is required. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure their English proficiency meets these requirements.
Mathematics 1
Credits : 5
The aim of this module is to provide the learner with a broad knowledge of the application of engineering maths and applied statistics.
Project Management
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a broad knowledge of the techniques, software tools and approaches used in project management in industry.
Industrial Project
Credits: 10
To provide the learner with the opportunity to develop their independent leadership and project management skills through the study, analysis and resolution of a work-based
Manufacturing & Operations Engineering
Credits: 5
AIM: to provide the learner with a broad knowledge of modern Operations and Manufacturing engineering/management as it applies to a variety of businesses and organisations by providing a logical path through the activities of Operations Engineering and its strategic context.
Manufacturing & Operations Engineering Online
Credits: 5
AIM: to provide the learner with a broad knowledge of modern Operations and Manufacturing engineering/management as it applies to a variety of businesses and organisations by providing a logical path through the activities of Operations Engineering and its strategic context.
Advanced PLC Systems
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a specialised knowledge of advanced automation systems, structured programming approaches and distributed control applications
Electrical Machines
Credits: 5
The aim of the module is to provide the learner with specialist knowledge of the types, sizing, characteristics and applications of single and three-phase AC and DC motor in manufacturing facilities.
Energy Efficiency in Industry
Credits: 5
The aim of the module is to provide the learner with specialist knowledge of and analysis methods for energy usage in industry with a focus on energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction.
Programmable Logic Controller Systems (PLCS)
Credits: 5
The module aims to provide the learner with a broad knowledge of automation systems, programming approaches and industrial control applications.
Distributed Electrical Systems
Credits: 5
The aim of the module is to provide the learner with specialised knowledge of the efficiency and electrical integration of electrical equipment and plant in a manufacturing facility.
Embedded systems
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a broad knowledge of embedded computer system including processors, hardware systems, operating system, single board computer, development environments and programming.
Computer networks
Credits: 5
The aim of this module is to introduce the learner to Computer networks including infrastructure, operating systems, network management, data protection and internet technology
Computer Systems
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a broad knowledge of computer system including cloud and mobile computeing, components, storage and memory systems, operating systems and diagnostics.
Credits: 5
This subject aims to give the learner the skills needed to successfully design, develop and integrate a SCADA solution in industry.
Mathematics 2
Credits: 5
The aim of this module is to provide the learner with specialised knowledge of the application of engineering maths and applied statistics in a manufacturing context.
Management Accounting and Methods
Credits: 5
The aim of this module is to provide the learner with a broad knowledge of costs applied to the value chain in industry and management techniques to control them.
Quality Methods
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a broad knowledge of modern quality management methods, standards and techniques used in manufacturing
Website Programming and Development
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a broad knowledge of Internet and web technologies. Emphasis is placed on how to establish an online presence by learning the tools to plan, construct and manage web based applications. Learners will adopt best practice in terms of search engine optimisation and responsive web design.
Database Development
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a broad knowledge of the application, construction, programming and management of database systems.
Industrial Logistics
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a broad knowledge of supply chain structures, methods, management and product tracking
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a specialised knowledge of integrated computer aided prototyping and manufacturing of products
Computer Aided Design
Credits: 5
Computer Aided Design is an essential communication and design technique for those involved in engineering. The aim of this module is to give the student a comprehensive introduction to the standards used in the preparation of Engineering drawings. Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems are now the typical means by which Engineering drawings and associated 3D models are produced, students will use 3D CAD software to prepare a portfolio of their work.
Electronics Testing methods
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a specialised knowledge of testing, debugging and faultfinding electronic printed circuit boards and systems
Electronics Manufacturing
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with a broad knowledge of the design, development and fabrication of electronic products, printed circuit boards and systems
Electrical Power Systems
Credits: 5
To provide the learner with specialised knowledge of the types, characteristics and applications of power supply and storage systems
Electrical & Instrumentation CAD
Credits: 5
The aim of this module is to Design and Create Electrical, Instrumentation and Control drawings.
Instrumentation & Calibration
Credits: 5
The aim of this module is to provide learners with the knowledge of industrial process instrumentation, calibration and control which includes the concepts, engineering and installation of control and measurement equipment.
Industrial Maintenance Systems
Credits: 5
This module aims to provide the learner with a broad knowledge of modern maintenance strategies, management approaches and control systems
Polymer Processing Technology
Credits: 5
The Polymer Processing Module focuses on the materials, processes and tooling used in relation to polymers, particularily the common polymer processes of injection moulding and extrusion and the characteristics of various polymers. There is also a practical aspect with particular emphasis on the design and manufacture of tooling for these processes.
Work Based Portfolio
Credits: 5
Solar Energy Systems
Credits: 5
The aim of this module is to give learners a detailed understanding of the operation and application of PhotoVoltaic and Solar Thermal Systems
Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry
Credits: 5
To provide a knowledge of computer vision including fundamentals of image formation, camera imaging geometry, feature detection and matching, multiview geometry including stereo, motion estimation and tracking, and classification.
Renewable Energy Technology 2 – Wind Energy
Credits: 5
To give the learner a thorough introduction to the conversion of wind energy into electrical energy
The Manufacturing Technology degree is modularised. Successful completion of the degree requires the accummulation of 60 credits by completion of 11 modules, including a work-based project. Each module is 12 weeks in duration, one evening per week. There are a range of modules offered in semester 1 (September to December) and in semester 2 (January to May) each academic year. On average, students would complete 2 modules per semester, but it is entirely at the discretion of each student how many modules they wish to register for each semester. Minimum of 70% attendance for each module is required to pass, in addition to passing the exam element. Please note that the Exams for this course are usually scheduled to take place during daytime hours (i.e. between the hours of 9am and 6pm).
The modules are mainly a mix of online and classroom based and take place on the TUS Campus, Limerick.
Each 5 credits will normally equate to approximately 100 Total Learning Hours. Total Learning Hours includes the time you spend in class (lectures, tutorials, practical elements) and the time you spend completing work outside of college. The balance between these two varies by discipline, and by level of study. You should bear in mind that the workload will increase at particular times e.g. when assignments are due.
Modules are assessed using a mixture of continuous assessment and examinations.
Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Technology (Level 7, 60 ECTS)
The total fee for this programme is €6,925. Fees are collected on a semesterised basis and will be dependent on the number of modules a student is taking per semester.
The core modules of the course, which are compulsory for all students are as follows:
Students can choose the other 7 elective modules from the selection of modules on offer each semester. Please note that not all modules listed are available every semester.
5 credit modules cost €625
10 credit Project costs €675