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Design for Sustainability and Circular Economies (L9,10 ECTS)

  • Status: Register Your Interest

  • Campus: Clare Street, Limerick City

  • weeks: 9

Course Overview

The Design for Sustainability and Circular Economies Certificate will facilitate and support design professionals in their practice-based enquiry into design for sustainability.

The continued professional development course structure will increase awareness and shine a light on opportunities and challenges facing design practices by critically evaluating the current cultural, social, economic and ecological landscapes and interrogating their existing models and approaches to design for sustainability and circular economies.

Suited to practitioners from all design disciplines, it will invite designers to identify opportunities to adapt with agility, to re-shape and remodel existing approaches within their own design practice and wider design communities and build on valuable and existing skill sets through the adoption of regenerative, circular and sustainable practices in order to address global challenges at their roots, enact meaningful change, make a real impact now and future-proof their design processes.
Guided by expert specialists, this course will equip participants with the tools to actively query existing modes of design for sustainability, deepen their understanding of Life Cycle Thinking, Circular Economy Principles and Regenerative Design Practices, gather industry insights, generate dynamic discussion with both peers and subject matter experts, co-design for best practice and propose new ways of shaping our design futures.

Design Skillnet

This programme has been co-created with Design Skillnet. Members of the IDI (Institute of Designers in Ireland) and Design Skillnet can avail of a discounted, grant-aided, course fee (amount TBC). To find out if you are eligible for IDI/Design Skillnet membership and the reduced fee please contact Subject to terms and conditions. 

Contact Details

Flexible Learning Team

General Queries


Telephone: (061) 293802

Dr. Adam De Eyto

Academic/Module Specific Queries


What are the entry requirements?

Honours (Level 8) Degree in a Design discipline or appropriate RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)

ENGLISH LANGUAGE: Applicants who do not have English as their first language must ensure they satisfy English Language requirements. For entry to undergraduate courses, a minimum score of 5.5 in an IELTS exam is required. For postgraduate courses, a minimum of 6.0 is required. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure their English proficiency meets these requirements.

Module Outline

  • Module Outline

    • Introduction to Sustainable Development (SD) inc. Case Studies, Best Practices in Design for Sustainability (DfS)
    • Approaches, philosophies, and guiding principles in SD, DfS and CE
    • Practical DfS strategies for designers
    • Circular Economy (CE) Principles and application
    • Policy, Legislation, Standardisation and Certification in DfS
    • LCA ( Life Cycle Assessment), Overview of LCA tools, simplified applied LCA for designers
    • Material Flow and Production
    • Social Corporate Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental Responsibility
    • Marketing ‘Sustainable Design’ and managing customer / user expectations
    • Business Model Design and Procurement for CE
    • Packaging and Waste considerations for designers
    • Regenerative Design Practice
    • Sustainable Product Service Systems (SPSS)

More Information

  • Hybrid Studio Based learning: Including Expert Lecturers, Workshops, Peer to Peer facilitated discussion, Self-directed Research, Individual Tutorial / Critique and Presentation•    10 weeks of online studio (3 hours per week)•    2 in person sessions (2 x5 hour days)•    Independent Learning (125 hours expected)

    Number of Weeks: 12 contact weeks

    Number of Days/Evenings per week: 1 afternoon per week

    Delivery Day/Evening: Afternoons

    Number of Hours per day/evening: 3

    Times: 2-5pm

  • Continuous Assessment + Final Project

  • Certificate in Design for Sustainability and Circular Economies (Level 9)

  • €1,400

  • Friday 31st of January 2024.