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Course Search

Leadership in Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace (L8, 10 ECTS)

  • Status: Closed

  • Campus: Online

  • weeks: 24

  • Fees: €1,100

Course Overview

This innovative programme is designed to enable managers across all sectors to integrate health and wellbeing into their working environments. Health and Wellbeing are becoming increasingly important for companies to maintain a content and productive workforce. This programme allows managers to lead, integrate and promote health and wellbeing among their staff.

Contact Details

Flexible Learning Team

General Queries


Telephone: (061) 293802

Declan O’Rahilly

Academic/Module Specific Queries


What are the entry requirements?

QQI Level 7 award, or equivalent qualification, and/or relevant life and work experience.

Mature students (23 years of age on 1st January preceding application) can apply.

Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPL) will be granted based on relevant experience and training in accordance with LIT’s RPL policy.

Module Outline

  • Leadership and Behaviour Change

    Developing leadership and change management skills.

  • Employee Mental Wellbeing

    Learners gain an understanding of issues related to employee wellbeing in the workplace.

  • Nutrition

    Learners gain an understanding of the importance of healthy nutrition for employees.

  • Introduction to Physical Activity and Promotion

    Learners gain an understanding of the core concepts of physical activity and its promotion.

More Information

  • 2023 TBC*

    Number of weeks: 24

    Number of Days: 2

    Daytime/Evening: Evenings

    Number of Hours per day: 2 hours pre-recorded lectures available every Monday, 1 hour live tutorials are on Wednesdays, with a playback option available.

    *Above details are proposed delivery schedule. TBC prior to course commencement.

  • Each 5 credits will normally equate to approximately 100 Total Learning Hours. Total Learning Hours includes the time you spend in class (lectures, tutorials, practical elements) and the time you spend completing work outside of college. The balance between these two varies by discipline, and by level of study. You should bear in mind that the workload will increase at particular times e.g. when assignments are due.

  • The module is assessed through continuous assessment:

    E-Portfolio (40%)
    Workplace Intervention (60%)

  • Special Purpose Award (Level 8,10 credits)

  • €1,100 *TBC for 2023

    This programme was part-funded in 2021/22 by County Tipperary Skillnet. Eligible individuals could secure contribution of 30% towards course fees. Subject to terms and conditions.

  • TBC

  • All applicants must complete the application form which can be found at via the ‘Apply Now’ button from the top of this page. Completed application forms, along with supporting documentation as outlined below must be uploaded.

    1. Current CV *must be up to date
    2. Proof of existing level 7 educational qualification or equivalent