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Academic Integrity


Academic integrity is acting in an honest, moral and fair way to complete any academic tasks in an academic setting (QQI, 2020). It is at the heart of all activity in the institute, and depends on individuals approaching any academic task or research in an honest and moral way. This is guided by the TUS Academic Integrity and Plagiarism policy which applies to all learners at all levels in the institute who are undertaking any academic work contributing to an award, or credits.

Academic misconduct is any attempt to seek unfair advantage in relation to any academic activity.

Examples of this include

  • Copying  parts of your assignment  without acknowledging the source of the information.
  • Not acknowledging direct quotes  in your work, even if you have cited.
  • Paraphrasing without citing  the source of the information.
  • Incomplete or inaccurate citations in your work.
  • Collusion - getting assistance from someone to complete work that should be your own.
  • Collaborating - working with others to complete an assignment that is an individual assignment.
  • Self-plagiarism - reusing your own work that you have previously submitted for an assessment.
  • Buying assignments - also called Contract Cheating.

Contact: Catherine O’Donoghue  (

or the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation and Development (CPID) (