Current Enhancement Initiatives
- Online 2.0: Kaleidoscope of Assessment for the Lifelong Learner (KALL)
- Micro-credentials and Digital badges in Engineering (MaDE)
- Demystifying Academic Integrity
- Designing an Implementation Strategy for the Internationalisation of the Home Curriculum
Developing Excellence in Team-Based Active and Collaborative Learning to Enhance Student Outcomes
Previous Enhancement Initiatives
- Enhancing Placement Experience in Civil Engineering
- Developing Team Based Learning as a Unique Student-Centred Pedagogy (USP)
- Working Collaboratively to Enhance Provision for those who Teach and Learn Online in Athlone Institute of Technology
- Technology Enhanced Learning: What works and why?
- Assessment for Learning Resources for First Year Undergraduate Mathematics Modules
Y1 Feedback
The Y1Feedback project sought to enhance feedback dialogue in first year undergraduate programmes to support student transition by using digital technologies. The aim of the Y1Feedback project was to develop and pilot technology enhanced feedback approaches to facilitate teacher feedback and feed-forward, and peer-feedback specifically aimed at large first year undergraduate classes, to support student transition.
The Technology Enhanced Assessment Methods (TEAM) project explored the potential offered by digital technologies to address these concerns. Its primary aim has been to develop a framework for applying the principles of good assessment and feedback to practical assessment, and to facilitate dialogue among stakeholders about what it is we want students to learn in practical classes and how our assessment can facilitate this.
Aligning Teaching and Learning Across the Technological Sector (ATLAS)
Using a reflective and evidence-based approach, ATLAS sought to interpret the National Professional Development Framework within the context of existing accredited provision across technological higher education institutions in Ireland.