TUS Resources
- Putting Learning First: TUS Learning,Teaching and Assessment Strategy 2022-2025
- TUS Graduate Attributes Framework 2022 -2025
- Open Educational Resources @ The AIT Library Website – Provides an overview of how we can use Open Educational Resources (OERs) in our teaching, including links to useful OERs for a range of disciplines.
National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Resources
- National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Website
- Contains details of current learning enhancement funding calls as well as upcoming learning and teaching workshops/webinars. Recorded webinars and a range of OERs are also available to access on the website.
- National Resource Hub
- A searchable collection of OERs curated by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Useful for staff who wish to learn more about innovative approaches to learning and assessment, professional development and inclusion.
- Creating Inclusive Environments in Education and Employment for People with Disabilities.
- Provides extensive information and resources on supporting students with disabilities in third level education. Includes guidance on implementing and supporting inclusive teaching and assessment, universal design for learning and creating accessible resources for students.
National Institute of Digital Learning Resources
- #OpenTeach
- New to teaching online? The #OpenTeach project from the National Institute of Digital Learning provides useful videos, downloads and advice about online learning within a Higher Education context.
- Teaching Online Resource Bank
- Contains a collection of useful resources for online teaching, including national and international best practice guidelines, tools, tips and stories from across the third level online education landscape.
Other Useful Resources
- Creating Inclusive Environments in Education and Employment for People with Disabilities.
- Provides extensive information and resources on supporting students with disabilities in third level education. Includes guidance on implementing and supporting inclusive teaching and assessment, universal design for learning and creating accessible resources for students.
Creativity in innovation in Social Care
More Information
Contact Nuala Harding nuala.harding@tus.ie
Head of Centre for Pedagogical Innovation and Development (CPID)