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EDI Training

EDI Training on Moodle

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office has created a Course for All staff that is now available on Moodle. We encourage you to participate in EDI related trainings & learnings at your own pace and broaden your knowledge, confidence and skills around topics that may sometimes be difficult to speak about or question in a safe environment. The content ranges from short, informational videos and text, links to information sessions to specific topic training modules. We hope that it may help you personally or as you work with students and colleagues alike.

You will find trainings on each of the 9 Grounds for Discrimination. Additionally we have included Socio-Economic Status as an additional 10th ground that we at TUS need to be aware of in terms of discrimination.

Trainings & information also include topics on sexual violence, sexual harassment and consent.

Please see all trainings and further information at Course: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ( An enrolment key is needed to access all the trainings. This is emailed to all staff on our EDI newsletters, sent each quarter. You only need to use the key once, to activate your account and you can access your account from that point on.

Please contact if you cannot locate your key.

Aurora Women’s Leadership Programme

Aurora is a women-only leadership development programme provided by Advance HE. The EDI office in TUS funds a number of employees each year to participate in the programme and supports them with an accompanying mentorship programme. The TUS Aurora programme is targeted at women in academic, support and research roles in the University in order to enable leadership potential and provide an opportunity for growth and development.

The programme provides, in a social learning environment, core and adaptive leadership skills and knowledge over six interlinked days: four development days and two action learning set days. Participants are encouraged to access and use the online self-directed resources available to them.  Led by a team of leadership experts, participants will explore four key areas associated with leadership success: Identity, Impact and Voice; Power and Politics; Core Leadership Skills; Adaptive Leadership Skills. This is complemented by networking, role models, and guest speakers at each event.

Further Information

The 2023/2024 Ireland programme dates are as follows:

Aurora 2023 – 2024 Leadership Development Programme for Women

Workshop/Cohort Development Day  Format Date
Introduction Online – Zoom Wednesday 11th October 2023
Identity, Impact and Voice Online – Zoom Friday 20th October 2023
Core Leadership Online – Zoom Friday 17th November 2023
Action Learning Set 1 Online – Zoom Tuesday 28th November 2023
Politics and Influence Online – Zoom Thursday 14th December 2023
Adaptive Leadership Online – Zoom Thursday 25th January 2024
Your Future in Higher Education In person – Dublin Tuesday 5th March 2024
Action Learning Set 2 Delegate’s Self Host Thursday 14th March 2024


To support the Aurora programme, TUS is organising a Mentorship training for Mentors and Mentees. Details of this are as follows:

Mentee Training Online – zoom: 9:15 – 1pm Wednesday 4th October 2023
Mentor Training Online – zoom: 9:15 – 1pm Thursday 17th October 2023

Name: June O Byrne Prior

Position: Lecturer in Department of Sport, Leisure and Tourism

“The whole programme was very beneficial; it was very well organised with lots of opportunity for deep reflection. I particularly liked the active learning sets – it was easy to speak openly and get insight into other roles. I have kept in contact with members of the active learning set that I was in and I’m sure we will continue to provide support to eachother.”


Name: Dr Geraldine Cuskelly

Position: Lecturer, Department of Sport and Health Sciences

“The Aurora programme far exceeded my expectations and provided me with a protected space to really think about leadership. It is great that we can retain the material and can go back over it again in our own time. I had a wonderful mentor to support me in the programme. It’s important that the mentoring relationship is established from the start of the Aurora programme to get the most benefit from it.” 

Name: Dympna Fitzgerald

Position: Business Intelligence and Development Unit Manager

Aurora provided an opportunity to take time out from our day to day work and reflect on many themes relating to leadership. The speakers on the programme were excellent and prompted a lot of thought. The Action learning sets were particularly helpful and it was great to have linkages across different disciplines. I found the mentoring relationship very helpful and would love to see this rolled out further.”

Why did you sign up to complete the Aurora Award?

I was interested in developing my leadership skills further, bringing back learnings to my role and team. The pace of change in Higher education requires that we continue to keep up to speed with changing demands and challenges to ensure we respond appropriately and in a timely manner.

How has the Aurora programme helped you in your career?

I have acquired links to people, resources and networks that are most valuable. The networking side is a big plus – you meet and make connections with colleagues across the HEI sector nationally and Internationally. Some you will maintain these links with which is great.

What would you say to someone who is interested in taking part in the Aurora programme?

Put in your application! It is really important that we continue to develop personally and professionally and have the skillset and confidence to contribute effectively to the growth of TUS.

Name: Dr. Martina Cleary

Position: Lecturer in the Dept of Fine Art & Education

Why did you sign up to complete the Aurora Award:

I signed up for the Aurora Award as it was an attractive CPD opportunity. Also, as an artist, educator and researcher involved in several community, socially engaged, activist and feminist networking projects over the years, the fact it focusses on the advancement of women’s career opportunities was of interest. 

How has the Aurora programme helped you in your career?

The greatest benefit of participating in the programme was meeting colleagues from diverse disciplines and roles within TUS and other Irish Universities. This included having the support of a fantastic mentor, who has provided insights, perspective and also advice both during and after the programme. Aurora was the foundation for branching out beyond my own field, finding new colleagues and friends, building a stronger support network for further opportunities and collaborations. 

What would you say to someone who is interested in taking part in the Aurora programme?

I would encourage anybody who is considering it to apply. The guest speaker line-up was engaging, and the workshops were timely in addressing shared issues often faced by female faculty and staff in third level institutions. It will hopefully also lead to the establishment of an alumni network to further develop a professional community for women in Irish universities.

Name: Noreen Vaughan

Position: Senior Technical Officer, Computer Services Department

Why did you sign up to complete the Aurora Award?

I was immediately interested in the Aurora programme when I saw the email about it. My hope was that it might help me challenge my beliefs about my own capabilities and perhaps figure out in what direction I could/should progress in my career. Despite my many years of experience, I had never felt very confident and I especially could never see myself progressing in any kind of leadership role.

How has the Aurora programme helped you in your career?

Since completing the programme I have applied for and was successful in getting a new role in the department. The Aurora programme and particularly the mentoring aspect was a big factor that influenced my decision to apply for the role and also supported me in the challenges I faced when I started in my new role. The programme also gave me the opportunity to meet colleagues from different areas of TUS and from higher education institutions around the country in a way that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

What would you say to someone who is interested in taking part in the Aurora programme?

I would simply say if you are interested then go for it. You have nothing to lose and lots to gain!

The Aurora programme is open to the following:

  • Female academics up to and including Senior Lecturer level or equivalent,
  • Female administrative and technical staff up to comparable administrative grades
  • Female research staff.

Applicants should be ambitious for a career in the sector and interested in exploring leadership and management as an option for progression.

The Aurora programme fee and associated travel costs are funded by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Office at TUS.

To apply for Aurora, please complete the application form and submit to by Wednesday the 20th September 2023. The application form includes a personal statement of why you are interested in the programme and what you want to achieve from it.

Download Application Form

To provide for equality of opportunity and transparent selection of participants, a sub-committee will assess the applications and select the successful participants based on the personal statements submitted.

Applicants must be available to attend the workshops on all specified dates, including any internal workshops that may be offered to participants to enhance their experience of Aurora.

The TUS Library has a bank of recommended books and articles for those interested in the Aurora Women’s Leadership Programme. Please see the attached link to view the EDI collection on the library’s website:

EDI Books – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Resources – Library Guides at The Library, TUS Midwest (

For any further queries regarding this programme please contact

Ending Sexual Violence & Harassment (ESVH), Galway Rape Crisis Centre

The Galway Rape Crisis Centre (GRCC) regularly facilitates Sexual Violence Disclosure Training for TUS staff. This training generates awareness of the causes and effects of sexual violence, examines attitudes, values and beliefs about sexual violence, promotes an understanding of dealing with a disclosure of sexual violence and provides information about the workings of GRCC and its range of services. The next delivery of this training will be on January 24 & 25, 2024, from 9.30 to 2pm inclusive. A refresher course for those who have completed the training since 2022 will be on Feb 14th 2024, 9.30am to 1pm. If you wish to register your interest in either of the above please click the link below.

Click here to register

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education

The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Higher Education (EDI in HE) online programme aims to  

  1. Raise awareness of how equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights issues permeate organisational culture, and
  2. Outline what third level education staff responsibilities are under Irish equality and human rights legislation.

The programme consists of 4 separate modules, each of 30-45 minutes duration, which can be completed either as an entire programme, or as a series of modules allowing participants to build up their knowledge over time.

Further Information

Module 1 is an introductory module, providing a comprehensive overview of the importance and benefits of EDI and Human Rights, and the legal landscape in which Higher Education Institutions operate.

Module 2 covers Recruitment and Selection and is a very informative tool for any staff member involved in the selection process.

Module 3 looks at meeting the needs of diverse students and best practice tips on fostering equality in teaching and learning settings.

Module 4 looks at putting policy into practice

All staff are invited to take the training, as we all have a part to play in making TUS a more equal and inclusive place.

Staff on recruitment interview panels are particularly encouraged to complete module 2.

Academic staff are particularly encouraged to complete module 3.

You can use your staff email account to access the training by clicking the link below.

EDI in Higher Education online training