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Exam Results – Midwest

Exam Results

To view your detailed individual exam results visit our internal portal and  click Student and Staff Login to Secure Area.
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For LIT Tipperary student’s results published prior to 2012/13 – please click here.

Exam Results Supports

Award Classifications

You will get an award classification in the final year of your programme.  

Level 6 & Level 7 Programmes – Higher Certificate/Ordinary Bachelor Degree
DTDistinction70 – 100%
M1Merit, Grade 160-69%
M2Merit, Grade 250 – 59%
PSPass40 – 49%
FLFail0 – 39%
Level 8 Programmes – Honours Bachelor Degree/Higher Diploma
H1First Class Honours70 – 100%
2.1Second Class Honours, Grade 160 – 69%
2.2Second Class Honours, Grade 250 – 59%
PSPass40 – 49%
FLFail0 – 39%
Level 9 – Post Graduate Diploma
Level 9 – Taught Masters Degree
H1First Class Honours70 – 100%
H2Second Class Honours60 – 69%
PSPass40 – 59%
FLFail0 – 39%


Explanation of Grade Point Average (G.P.A.)

G.P.A. is a weighted average mark (based on the classifying modules as specified in the Approved Programme Schedule). The weighting factor to be applied to the grade in each module is the number of ECTS credits assigned to the module. 


Explanation of Academic Standings

End of Non-Award Years

ABAbsent from ExaminationStudent absent from one or more examinations
DEDeferral of Result(s)Decision on the overall result has been deferred to the next exam board meeting because of special/mitigating circumstances
EXExemptions GrantedAll modules have NOT been passed. Candidate is required to repeat those with marks below 40%
FLFailAll modules have been failed
INIncompleteCandidate has not attempted all modules on the programme – Semesterised/ACCS programmes
WHResult(s) WithheldResults may be withheld for a number of reasons. Please contact the School Office for more information
APApproved to ProgressPostgraduate/Masters Students only – Candidate has met all requirements to date and may progress with study
NANot Approved to ProgressPostgraduate/Masters Students only – Student has not met all requirements to date and may not progress with study
RCRecommendedPostgraduate/Masters Students only – Candidate has been recommended to complete study
NRNot RecommendedPostgraduate/Masters Students only – Candidate has NOT been recommended to complete study

Marginal Fail Compensation 

Grades which are greater than or equal to 35% but less than 40% in the percentage grading system are awarded when a candidate has nearly (but not quite) demonstrated attainment of the relevant minimum intended learning outcomes for a particular assessment task.

Performance at the first attempt in modules in a given stage/semester (of at least 25 credits) may be used to compensate in the same stage/semester, provided no module in the stage/semester has been failed outright. A pass earned in this way is referred to as a pass by compensation and is credit bearing. 

Compensation can only be applied in the following circumstances:

1.        The candidate has been assessed for all stage/semester modules and no module in the stage/semester has been failed outright (below 35%).

2.        The results of all modules in the stage/semester are from first attempts.

3.        In the case of full-time candidates, the results are from the same sitting (session).

4.        The stage/semester-aggregate of credit-weighted excesses of percentage marks (over 40) is greater than or equal to twice the stage/semester-aggregate of credit-weighted deficits of marks (under 40) and the potentially compensatable results account for no more than one-third of the credit for the stage/semester: i.e. 20 credits in a 60-credit stage; 10 credits in a 30-credit semester; or, 5 credits in a 25-credit semester.

Compensation may be applied only to enable a candidate to pass a stage/semester. At the award stage, a candidate who passes by compensation remains eligible for honours etc. Compensation does not change the result of the modules passed in that way.

Requirements for Progression

The following conditions shall normally apply, subject to numbers and availability.

1.        A student will normally take 60 credits maximum in each year of study.

2.        Progression towards an award is restricted by pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements, the timetable and the rules of the Department of Education and Science / Higher Education Authority Free Fees Initiative.

3.        Where programmes are organised in stages, a student, to be eligible to progress to a particular stage, is normally required to demonstrate achievement of the minimum intended learning outcomes of all the preceding stages. The approved programme schedule summarises the allocation of credits and assessment components, as well as any special progression requirements.

4.        Subject to any special conditions of the programme, there are three exceptions to the general requirement of passing all the required modules in order to progress to the next stage. These are:

(a)       pass by compensation

(b)       exemption from part of the programme

(c)       in exceptional mitigating circumstances, eligibility to progress carrying the failed modules to be passed during the subsequent stage. Carrying forward of failed module(s) is not normally permitted.

Carrying Credits Stage 1 to Stage 2

Where practicable, a Stage 1 student who has failed no more than 10 credits may carry these failed credits to Second Year on the conditions that:

(i)        A maximum of 10 Credits can be carried to Stage 2

(ii)       The Student attempted the original and repeat examination for the failed module(s)

(iii)      The failed module(s) result for all credits carried is not Failed Element (FE).

(iv)       The failed module(s) are not pre-requisites for  module(s) for the subsequent stage.

Carrying Credits Stage 2 to Stage 3

(i)      Stage 1 has been completed.

(ii)     The Student attempted the original and repeat examination for the failed module(s)

(iii)      The failed module(s) result for all credits carried is not Failed Element (FE).

(iv)      The failed module(s) are not pre-requisites for  module(s) for the subsequent stage.

Carrying Credits Stage 3 to Stage 4:

(i)      Stage 2 has been completed.

(ii)     The Student attempted the original and repeat examination for the failed module(s)

(iii)      The failed module(s) result for all credits carried is not Failed Element (FE).

(iv)      The failed module(s) are not pre-requisites for  module(s) for the subsequent stage.

Carry-over of credits is facilitated by TUS within the limitations of pre-requisite requirements, repeat attendance requirements and scheduling. The Technological University cannot guarantee repeat attendance and is not obliged to facilitate the repeat module arrangements.

ProgrammeCampusStatusStart Date
Level 6
Construction Project Management 100% FundedOnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Level 7 
Aircraft Lease Transition ManagementOnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Aircraft Technical ServicesOnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Quality Documentation, GMP & Data IntegrityOnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Quality Management & StatisticsOnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Regulatory Affairs & QualityOnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Screen Production Department SkillsOnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Level 8 
Digital Marketing (Higher Diploma)OnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
International Business (Higher Diploma)OnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Process & Engineering Management (BEng)OnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Level 9
Advanced Medical TechnologiesOnline & WorkshopsRegister Your InterestTBC
Digital Marketing & AnalyticsOnline Register Your InterestTBC
Leadership, Communication & Digital Transformation (Postgraduate Certificate)BlendedRegister Your InterestTBC
Leadership in Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace (Postgraduate Diploma)Online & WorkshopRegister Your InterestTBC
Product Design Control (Postgraduate Diploma)OnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Process Validation & Regulatory Affairs (Medical)OnlineRegister Your InterestTBC
Process Validation & regulatory Affairs (Pharmaceutical)OnlineRegister Your InterestTBC