The Limerick School of Art & Design consists of four departments that are based across four locations in the Midlands Midwest region. Please see contact information for each department below.
Dean of Faculty
Mike Fitzpatrick, Dean of Limerick Shool of Art & Design and Director of Cultural Engagement
Email: Mike.Fitzpatrick@tus.ie
Phone: +353 61 293 870
Department of Design
Head of Department
Dr. Adam de Eyto
Further Information
Department of Design, LSAD
Tel: (061) 293870
Email: Adam.deEyto@tus.ie
Department of Digital Arts & Media
Head of Department
James Greenslade
Further Information
Department of Digital Arts & Media, LSAD
Tel: (061) 293372
Email: James.Greenslade@tus.ie
Department of Fine Art & Education
Head of Department
Dr. Ciara Healy
Further Information
Department of Fine Art & Education, LSAD
Tel: +353 61 293368
Email: Ciara.Healy@tus.ie
Department of Midlands Media & Design
Head of Department
Michael O’Dowd
Further Information
Department of Midlands Media & Design, LSAD
Tel: +90 64 68151
Email: Michael.ODowd@tus.ie