TUS has a variety of Erasmus+ Partners across Europe, giving students the opportunity to have a study abroad experience as part of their TUS journey. Our current partners are listed below, for more information on our agreements with these partners please contact erasmus@tus.ie
Country | Institution | Erasmus Code | Web Site |
Austria | FH Kufstein | A KUFSTEIOl | https://www.fh-kufstein.ac.at/ |
Austria | MCI Management Center Innsbruck | A INNSBRU08 | https://www.mci.edu/en/ |
Austria | Padagogische Hochschule Wien (PH Wien) | A WIEN09 | www.phwien.ac.at/ |
Austria | Voralberg University of Applied Sciences | A DORNBIR 01 | www.fhv.at/en |
Belgium | Artevelde University College Ghent | B GENT39 | www.arteveldehogeschool.be/en |
Belgium | Haute Ecole EPHEC | B BRUXEL82 | https://www.ephec.be/ |
Belgium | Helmo – Haute Ecole Libre Mosane | B LIEGE37 | www.helmo.be |
Belgium | Howest, University of Applied Sciences | B KORTRIJ 03 | https://www.howest.be/en |
Belgium | Karel de Grote University | B ANTWERP59 | https://www.kdg.be/en |
Belgium | LUCA School of Arts | B BRUSSEL43 | https://www.luca-arts.be/en |
Belgium | PXL University College | B HASSELT22 | www.pxl.be/international |
Belgium | UC Leuven-Limburg | B LEUVEN18 | https://www.ucll.be/international |
Croatia | RIT Croatia | HRDUBROV02 | https://www.rit.edu/croatia/ |
Croatia | University of Dubrovnik | HRDUBROV01 | https://www.unidu.hr/eng/ |
Cyprus | Alexander College | CY LARNACA03 | https://alexander.ac.cy/ |
Czech Republic | Mendel University in Brno | CZ BRNO02 | https://mendelu.cz/en/ |
Czech Republic | VSFS Institute of Finance & Administration | CZ PRAHA13 | www.vsfs.cz/en |
Finland | Centria University of Applied Sciences | SF KOKKOLA05 | www.centria.fi |
Finland | Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) | SF HAMEENL09 | www.hamk.fi/exchange-studies |
Finland | Laurea University of Applied Sciences | SF VANTAA06 | https://www.laurea.fi/en/ |
Finland | South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK) | SF MIKKELI06 | www.xamk.fi |
Finland | Turku University of Applied Sciences Ltd (TUAS) | SF TURKU 05 | www.tuas.fi |
France | Aix Marseille Universite (AMU) | F MARSEIL 84 | www.univ-amu.fr/iut-amu |
France | Ecole supérieure d’art et de design d’Amiens (ESAD) | F AMIENS15 | https://www.esad-amiens.fr/ |
France | EESAB | F RENNES49 | https://www.eesab.fr/english/ |
France | Institut Catholique d’Arts et Metiers (ICAM) Lille | F-LILLE 16 | www.icam.fr/en/index.html |
France | IPAC | F ANNECY 04 | www.ipac-france.com |
France | ISC PARIS Business School | F PARIS 104 | www.iscparis.com |
France | IUT de Tarbes | F TOULOUS 03 | http://www.iut-tarbes.fr/ |
France | IUT Nice | F NICE01 | https://iut.univ-cotedazur.fr/ |
France | IUT Perigueux | F BORDEAU58 | https://iut-perigueux.u-bordeaux.fr/ |
France | IUT Quimper | F BREST01 | https://www.univ-brest.fr/iut-quimper/fr |
France | LISAA | F PARIS373 | https://www.lisaa.com/en |
France | Rennes School of Business | F RENNES27 | https://www.rennes-sb.com/ |
France | Universite d’Angers | F ANGERS 01 | https://www.univ-angers.fr/fr/index.html |
France | Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO) | F BREST 01 | www.univ-brest.fr |
France | Universite de Caen Basse – Normandie IUT Cherbourg Manche | F CAEN 01 | www.unicaen.fr/iutcherbourgmanche |
France | Universite de France-Comte (UFC) | F BESANCO 01 | www.univ-fcomte.fr |
France | Universite de Nantes (IUT de Saint-Nazaire) | F NANTES01 | www.iut-sn.univ-nantes.fr |
France | Universite de Rennes | F RENNES 01 | https://www.univ-rennes1.fr/programme-dechange |
France | Universite d’Orleans | F ORLEANS01 | www.univ-orleans.fr/lettres |
France | Universite du Littoral Cote d’Opale | F DUNKERQ 09 | www.international.univ-littoral.fr/?page_id=57 |
France | Universite Jean Monnet Saint Etienne | F ST-ETIE 01 | www.iut.univ-st-etienne.fr |
France | Universite Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (Roanne) | F LYON 03 | www.univ-lyon3.fr/en |
France | Universite Paris 13 | F PARIS 013 | www.univ-paris13.fr |
France | Universite Paris-Est Creteil Val-de-Marne (UPEC) – IUT Senart Fontainebleau | F PARIS 012 | www.iutsf.u-pec.fr |
Germany | DHBW | DVILLING02 | https://www.dhbw.de/english/home |
Germany | FH Mainz – University of Applied Sciences | D MAINZ08 | https://www.hs-mainz.de/ |
Germany | Heilbronn University | D HEILBRO01 | https://www.hs-heilbronn.de/en |
Germany | Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da) | D DARMSTA02 | https://h-da.de/ |
Germany | Hochschule Emden/ LEER (University of Applied Sciences) | D EMDEN02 | www.io.hs-emden-leer.de |
Germany | Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten | D RAVENSB01 | www.hs-weingarten.de |
Germany | Hochschule TRIER | D TRIER02 | https://www.hochschule-trier.de/ |
Germany | Karlsruhe Acadamy | D KARLSRU04 | https://www.kunstakademie-karlsruhe.de/en/ |
Hungary | Budapest Metropolitan University | HUBUDAPES45 | https://www.metubudapest.hu/ |
Hungary | Széchenyi István University | MOU | https://admissions.sze.hu/about-the-university |
Italy | NABA | I MILANO11 | https://www.naba.it/en |
Italy | Politecnico di Torino | I TORINO02 | www.polito.it |
Lithuania | KAUNAS University of Applied Sciences (KUAS) | LT KAUNAS08 | www.kaunokolegija.lt/en/english-studies |
Lithuania | SMK University of Applied Social Sciences | LT KLAIPED04 | http://www.smk.lt/en/ |
Luxemborg | Haute Ecole de Namur- de Liege Luxembourg | B NAMUR15 | www.henallux.be |
MALTA | MCAST | MT MALTA02 | https://mcast.edu.mt/ |
Netherlands | Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen | NL GRONING03 | https://www.hanze.nl/en |
Netherlands | HKU School of Arts | NL UTRECHT29 | https://arts.hku.hk/ |
Netherlands | HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht | NL UTRECHT24 | www.internationl.hu.nl |
Netherlands | NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences | NL LEEUWAR01 | www.nhlstenden.com |
Norway | Nord University | N BODOO4 | https://www.nord.no/en |
Poland | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan | PL POZNAN01 | www.international.amu.edu.pl |
Poland | Lazarski University | PL WARSZAW14 | www.lazarski.pl/en |
Poland | Poznan School of Banking | PL POZNAN13 | www.wsb.pl |
Poland | Poznan University of Economics and Business | PL POZNAN03 | www.eu.poznan.pl |
Poland | Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities | PL SIEDLCE01 | www.uph.edu.pl/en |
Poland | University of Applied Sciences in Nysa | PL NYSA01 | www.bwm.pwsz.nysa.pl |
Poland | University of Gdansk | PL GDANSK01 | www.ug.edu.pl/en |
Poland | University of Lodz | PL LODZ01 | www.iso.uni.lodz.pl |
Poland | Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW | PL WARSZAW05 | www.sggw.pl/en/international-cooperation |
Portugal | IP Leiria | P LEIRIA01 | https://www.ipleiria.pt/en/ |
Portugal | IPCA | P ARCOZEL01 | https://ipca.pt/en/ |
Spain | BAU | E VIC01 | https://www.baued.es/en |
Spain | EASDIR | E LOGRONO03 | |
Spain | EASDO | E ALICANT27 | https://www.esdorihuela.com/web/ |
Spain | Escola Superior de Ciences de la Salut | E MATARO01 | www.tecnocampus.cat |
Spain | Escuela de Arte y Superior | E VALENCI25 | https://easda.es/ |
Spain | Universidad de Alicante | E ALICANT 01 | www.ua.es |
Spain | Universidad de Cordoba | E CORDOBA 01 | http://www.uco.es/ |
Spain | UNIVERSIDAD DE JAÉN | E JAEN01 | https://www.ujaen.es/ |
Spain | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ 01 | www.titulaciones.unizar.es |
Spain | Universidad del Pais Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea (UPV/EHU) | E BILBAO 01 | www.relaciones-internacionales.ehu.es |
Spain | Universidad Francisco De Vitoria | E MADRID28 | www.ufvinternational.com |
Spain | Universidad Politecnica De Valencia | E VALENCI02 | https://www.upv.es/en |
Spain | Universidad Publica de Navarra | E PAMPLON 02 | http://www.unavarra.es |
Spain | Universidad San Jorge | E ZARAGOZ07 | https://www.udg.edu/ca/ |
Spain | Universitat de Girona | E GIRONA 02 | http://www.udg.edu/internacional |
Spain | Universitat Jaume I (UJI) | E CASTELL 01 | www.uji.es |
Spain | Universitat Politecnica De Valencia (UPV) (ETSII) | E VALENCI 02 | www.etsii.upv.es |
Spain | Universitat Rovira I Virgili | E TARRAGO 01 | http://www.urv.cat/en/ |
Spain | University of Deusto | E BILBAO02 | www.deusto.es |
Spain | University of Huelva | E HUELVA 01 | www.uhu.es/english/erasmusplusincoming/ |
Spain | Universtat de Valencia | E VALENCI 01 | https://www.uv.es/ |
Turkey | Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University | TR ANKARA07 | www.bilkent.edu.tr/bilkent/academic/exchange/ |
Turkey | Yildiz Technical University | TR ISTANBU07 | www.bologna.yildiz.edu |